Monday, February 2, 2009



While rethinking the idea of merging the functions of the house, car and clothing, I immediately (no concrete explanation to this, it might be some sort of calling of the subconcious) thought about the idea of 'reincarnation'. I had an image of the process of 'rebirth'. Thinking about an object that is able to create or re-enact the process of rebirth. Maybe it is clothing that was reborn into a vehicle then reborn into a house/residence. Maybe it is a machine that is able to give life/ new functions to what was discarded or disposed. An intelligent object that re-enacts the process of reincarnation, able to renew existence. It might not make any sense right now, as I myself am still a little vague about this translation. But what i am getting at is the notion of 'rebirth'.

Here are just some images I encountered while googling 'reincarnation'.


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